Hypothetical Case Studies
One of the best ways to understand how Axiom can work with you is through concrete examples. Our bespoke solutions are designed to partner with our clients through the different stages of life. We strive to address immediate needs while also taking a long-term perspective to protect your wealth and grow your wealth for this generation and future generations. Read about how…
Frank & Carol are transitioning to retirement.
Alex & Jess are reevaluating how they manage their wealth.
Jack & Katie are building their financial foundation after a liquidity event.
While these case studies are hypothetical, they highlight the specific challenges and strategies that we work through while partnering with our private equity clients.
Frank & Carol ~ Case Study #1
Example: Founder, Partner
Goal: Frank is scaling back and looking to exit the business in the next few years. He would like to put a plan in place to simplify retirement while maintaining investments in different buckets.
The Background: Frank, 61, has been been working at his private for 28 years. They are currently investing out of Fund IV and Frank has participated and played a leadership role in the past three.
The Challenges: Frank knows he has enough money to retire but has other issues he is looking into. He knows that he wants to fly private and is looking into companies to partner with. He also would like to begin executing a plan to transfer money to his kids and grandkids and also set up a vehicle to donate to the charities that he and his wife support.
Alex & Jess ~ Case Study #2
Example: Managing Director, General Partner
Goal: Alex has hit his stride at work. His company is fundraising and they have knocked it out of the park on the past 2 funds he’s worked on. It is time to hone in on his personal finances to ensure that he is maximizing all areas of his financial life.
The Background: Alex, 47, has one kid in college and two in high school. His liquid net worth already puts him over the federal estate tax limit and hopefully, some of his biggest years are yet to come.
The Challenges: Alex has done a pretty good job at savings and investing his money over the years. As the dollars have increased, he has realized that he is outgrowing his current advisor as they do not have the experience in working with private equity professionals. He needs someone to take a microscope to his finances to tidy things up for the future.
Jack & Katie ~ Case Study #3
Example: Principal, Director, Vice President
Goal: Jack hasn’t yet allocated the proper amount of time for his own personal finances. He gives himself a C+ when it comes to organization, knows that he has too much in his checking account, and does not have a consistent investment philosophy that he can articulate.
The Background: Jack, 37, has worked at two different firms in private equity over the past 11 years. He just received a waterfall carry distribution from the first firm that he worked for. He is married and still living in the city. If works doesn’t have his slammed, his 2 year old is certainly keeping him busy.
The Challenges: Jack now has more liquid cash than he has ever had before. He knows he has a good handle on private investments, but hasn’t had the experience deploying cash into the public markets in a risk managed way for the goals that he is looking to achieve for his family.
The information provided is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute investment advice and it should not be relied on as such. It should not be considered a solicitation to buy or an offer to sell a security. It does not take into account any investor's particular investment objectives, strategies, tax status or investment horizon. All scenarios and names mentioned herein are purely fictional and have been created solely for training purposes. Any resemblance to existing situations, persons or fictional characters is coincidental. The information presented should not be used as the basis for any specific investment advice.